The Société Nationale de l'Acadie
The SPAASI is a support mechanism entrusted to the Société Nationale de l'Acadie (SNA). The SNA has a pan-Atlantic mandate and acts as the spokesperson for the Acadian people on the international scene.
Sectoral committees
There are seven sectoral committees within SPAASI. These correspond to the seven artistic disciplines for which the Strategy exercises its mandate (music, literature, theatre, dance, visual arts, media arts, circus). The committees are made up of 8 to 12 artists/organizations representing their disciplines.
The members meet once or twice a year to define the action plan for the year and to follow it up, depending on the needs identified and the expectations of the target markets.
Advisory committee
The Advisory Committee acts as a watchdog and ensures that the SPAASI honors its mandate. This committee is made up of the directors of the five provincial artistic and cultural associations of the four French-speaking Atlantic provinces:
- Fédération culturelle acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse (Nova Scotia)
- Fédération culturelle de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard (PEI)
- Fédération des francophones de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador (NL)
- Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick (NB)
- Conseil provincial des sociétés culturelles (NB)